First Trimester
First 3 months of pregnancy – 1-12 weeks
First Appointment
- Physical exam, including a pap smear (if not done in the last 6 months)
- Check the baby’s heartbeat
- Confirmation ultrasound
- Routine blood/urine tests
- STD screening
- Screening for carrier/chromosomal issues
- Counseling and answering questions
- Make next appointment(s) for every 4 weeks
- Vefify maternity benefits
Physical Changes
- Breast tenderness and fullness
- Nausea, vomiting and appetite changes
- Fatigue
- Cramping in lower abdomen
- Bloating in mid-abdomen
- Increased urination
Problems To Report
- Bleeding
- Abdominal pain or severe cramping
- Watery discharge or ‘leaking’
- Fever, chills, or other illness
- Continuous vomiting
- Accidents or falls
Baby’s Growth
At 4 weeks: Poppy seed
At 6 weeks: Green pea
At 8 weeks: Raspberry
At 10 weeks: Prune
At 12 weeks: Plum
Second Trimester
3-6 months of pregnancy – 12-27 weeks
- Usually every 4 weeks
- Check baby’s heart beat
- Measure uterine growth
- Check blood pressure, urine, and weight gain
- Nuchal translucency screening (12-14 weeks)
- Discuss umbilical cord blood banking options
- Counseling and answering questions
Physical Changes
- Backache
- Usually a decrease in nausea and vomiting
- Weight gain
- Varicose veins
- Constipation
- Hemorrhoids
- Fatigue
- Vaginal mucous-like discharge
- Begin to feel fetal movement (17-22 weeks)
- Level II Ultrasound (w/sonographer) at 18-20 weeks
Classes (20-34 weeks)
- Childbirth
- Breastfeeding
- Daddy Boot-Camp
- Infant CPR
Hospital Information
- Pre-register for delivery at the hospital.
- Choose your pediatrician
- Request tours at the hospital
Baby’s Growth
At 14 weeks: Lemon
At 16 weeks: Avocado
At 18 weeks: Potato
At 20 weeks: Mango
At 22 weeks: Papaya
At 24 weeks: Cantaloupe
At 26 weeks: Lettuce
Problems to Report
- Bleeding
- Watery discharge
- Menstrual-like cramps
- Backache that comes/goes with or without cramping
- Not feeling the baby move after 23 weeks
- Accidents or falls
- Fever or other illness
Third Trimester
7-9 months of pregnancy – 28-40 weeks
- Every 2 weeks (30-36 weeks)
- Every week (36 weeks to Delivery)
- Check baby’s heart beat
- Measure uterine growth
- Check blood pressure, urine, weight
- RhoGam injection for mothers with Rh negative blood type (28 weeks)
- Glucose/diabetes screen at 28 weeks
- T-Dap (whooping cough vaccine) at 30-32 weeks
- Submit maternity leave forms at 32 weeks
- Vaginal Culture testing for Group B strep at 36 weeks
- Vaginal exam to check for cervical dilation changes (36 weeks to delivery)
Physical Changes
- Backache
- Difficulty sleeping
- Increased urination
- Pelvic pressure will increase as the baby grows
- Breast changes- fullness, tenderness, nipple discharge
- Baby’s large movements may decrease du to limited space in the uterus. You should notice smaller rolling mo may decrease large movements due to limited space in the uterus
Baby’s Growth
At 28 weeks: Eggplant
At 30 weeks: Pineapple
At 32 weeks: Squash
At 34 weeks: Coconut
At 36 weeks: Honeydew
At 38 weeks: Pumpkin
At 40 weeks: Watermelon
Problems to Report
- Decrease or absence of fetal movement
- Signs of labor before 36 weeks
- Fever or other illness
- Accidents or falls
Signs of Labor
- Regular, patterined uterine contractions; may feel like strong menstral cramps
- Back pain
- Leaking of amniotic fluid- water
- Vaginal bleeding